Our ambition is for every student to achieve on their own terms in their own way so, in the Sixth Form at Wakefield Girls’, we nurture independence of mind, freedom of spirit and design our curriculum to make it happen. We offer an inspirational selection of subjects at A Level, with rewarding content that goes way beyond the traditional Sixth Form timetable. This include a remarkable array of sports, travel and extra-curricular activities which will open minds and doors to all of life’s possibilities.
Sixth Form students enjoy dedicated study and social spaces with high quality, expert personal support and advice during their A Level years. Each has the freedom to supplement A Level studies with our EDGE and Pathways To Success programs; to move on and off campus around lessons, to relax with friends in their Year 12 and 13 kitchens and common rooms or use our quiet Sixth Form study zone as well as wider school facilities. Many hone leadership skills through the opportunities in our Sixth Form to lead one of our four Houses, train to become a Mental Health First Aider, Peer Mentor, become a Student Subject Leader, complete a Community Sports Leader Award, lead in our NUS-certified Student Union or as a member in our Senior Prefect Team. For a glimpse of life, learning and community in Sixth Form, join us for a visit.
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