It’s the way MAKING FRIENDS helps our students to make their way in the world.

Being at Wakefield Girls is as much about making great friends as it is about making great academic progress. The relationships students build both inside and outside the classroom in our welcoming community helps to prepare our students for further education, careers and life. Getting to know like-minded people through over 100 different extracurricular clubs, dedicated tutor groups and House membership makes students feel confident and completely at ease as they pass one happy milestone after another.

Building lasting connections and friendships.

Mutual understanding is a key element of the academic process and we believe that learning to be mature, sensitive and tolerant is as important as any lesson learned in the classroom. As our alumnae would agree, respecting other points of view, learning to share ideas, gaining the confidence to present them and taking creative risks together are all part of the bonding process that builds character and forms friendships and connections for life.

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