You'll like the way our RICH TRADITIONS foster unity, build character and create memories.

Wakefield Girls’ community enjoys many rich traditions that build character, foster a strong sense of togetherness, and create lifelong memories. Some are steeped in the roots of our pioneering education, others echo the school philosophy and values. Students and staff learn, love and laugh together and have a pride in Wakefield Girls’  that comes through in the celebration of these events. 


Friendship programmes

Our older students team up with younger students in a Buddy Programme which exists to foster friendships and help the transition to Juniors (from Year 2 to Year 3) and Seniors (from Year 6 to Year 7).  Special events including the Buddy Picnic, held in June, help to acclimate students in transition years and build bonds between students of different ages. 

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Every Monday (entertained by musicians), Wednesday and Friday (always Brass band to wake us all up) our whole school meets for morning assembly.  During assemblies, we focus upon topical news and issues, hear from alumnae role models, and celebrate special achievements.

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School Song

A school song, written by Canon Welch, is sung throughout our assemblies and at special events supporting our togetherness as a community.  This special tune unites Old Girls whether they are recent alumnae or left Wakefield girls’ decades ago. It is guaranteed to be sung at any Wakefield Girls’ reunion.

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Charitable Service

Central to our mission and values is a commitment to building community links and awareness which drives action. Students have opportunities to engage together in student-led charitable service as a community throughout the year.  At these times we actively think about the needs of our greater community and then we do something about it.  Every Form organises a charitable event or activity throughout the academic year.

Another element to this tradition is for our four Houses to each choose and support specific charities, developing service learning and teamwork across all ages.

We host two Charity Fayres every year, at Christmas and at the end of Summer term. Our Foundation Charity Fayre which is held in summer term was launched in honour of a QEGS student who sadly passed away after a courageous battle with cancer – and it has continued to be held every year since, supporting Teenage Cancer Trust and Cancer Research UK.

Similarly, our annual Christmas Charity Fayre raises money for specific causes which are selected at the beginning of each year by our elected Charities Team.  For this exciting event we work directly with local businesses to create a much anticipated bustling market stall atmosphere, perfect for families and friends to attend and stock up for Christmas.



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Happy Cafe

It is our custom to bring our students together to relax, chat, and enjoy a sweet treat together throughout the academic year.  Our Happy Cafe events are always held on a Friday lunchtime in Willows, our bespoke kitchen facilities. It is a well-loved pop up cafe where hot chocolate, marshmallows and biscuits can be expected, and great conversation is guaranteed. It’s definitely a place where friendships and connections are created and solidified. 

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House Celebration Day

House teams earn points throughout the year for participation at sports, charitable service, extracurricular activities and competitions. 

Under the direction of our elected student Heads of Houses, House Celebration Day brings this to a culmination – students and staff don their House colours (red, blue, yellow or green) and make a procession with their House flags to the games fields to enjoy an afternoon of healthy competition designed to build unity and school spirit as well as determining the annual House winner, based on most points earned. House traditions at Wakefield Girls’ mean that siblings will share the same House legacies.  

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The Christmas Revue

Every autumn term the current Senior Prefect Team works together with the whole Year 13 cohort to organise and perform a fun, live production for the entire Senior section to celebrate Christmas. Performed on the final day of term, it is one of the most hotly-anticipated and well-loved traditions in the Wakefield Girls’ calendar. 

Historically, the Christmas Revue was a staff-led performance. However, in 1997 then Year 13 student Katherine Kelly, a talented up-and-coming thespian, suggested that she could help produce and run the production. After the overwhelming success and popularity of this performance the Christmas Revue was evermore a student-led event. It is of no surprise that Katherine Kelly went on to have a flourishing career as an award-winning actress.

The Christmas Revue contains hilarious sketches, musical performances, and an impressive storyline, embellished with comical cultural references and in-school jokes. Without doubt, this performance always kicks off the Christmas holiday and puts everyone in the festive mood!

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Christmas Carol Concerts

Towards the end of every Autumn Term, our oldest Junior students put on an evening Christmas Concert at Wakefield Cathedral. This is closely followed by the whole school coming together at the cathedral for a much anticipated, festive lunchtime Carol Concert.  We’re definitely feeling festive!

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Theatre Productions

Our Drama enthusiasts work with brother school, QEGS, on an annual theatrical production every Spring. Productions have included showstoppers such as Les Misérables, The Addams Family, and Little Shop of Horrors. Bringing together students with dramatic, theatrical, artistic and management talents, the annual theatre production always raises the roof. Students have plenty of practice lower down in school with Junior and Key Stage 3 theatrical productions.

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Musical Concerts

Music is a big part of life at Wakefield Girls’ with over 20 musical groups, orchestras and ensembles.  Our musicians and student stage managers team up with brother school QEGS twice a year to perform  Foundation Concerts together,  a real highlight in our calendar.

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Founders' Day

Founders’ Day is a celebration of pioneering girls’ education here at Wakefield Girls’ and serves as a powerful reminder as we continue to shape a future fit, supportive and empowering education, which enables students to be themselves and to grow into independent women who will make a positive contribution to the world. This ceremony is held at Wakefield Cathedral.

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Year 13 Leavers' Traditions

Fancy Dress Parade 

Outgoing students always enjoy a comical fancy-dress fun run around school grounds, to the amusement of the rest of school.  Every year the costumes are creative and somehow unique. It sparks the beginning of many leavers celebrations – and it is an event that is etched into the memories of all Wakefield Girls’ students.


Leavers Ceremony

Held annually in May, the Year 13 Leaving Ceremony is the most memorable event for senior students.  Outgoing students are presented with their school alumnae badges by leadership staff and welcomed to our alumnae community whilst the rest of our school watches along, celebrates and waves them off. 


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Time Capsule Letters

A  special moment in all Year 13 Leavers events takes place on their final day at Wakefield Girls’.   Year 13 students get to open and read their time capsule letters. All students when they join us in Year 7 write a letter to their future selves; sharing their ambitions, passions, favourite school meals, and predictions for what they will become and what they will study. This letter, alongside a photograph of them as a fresh-faced Year 7 student, is then safely stored away until their last day at Wakefield Girls’ – where they get to discover all of the profound ways they have changed and grown in seven years. It is always a moving moment and undoubtedly one of the most cherished traditions in school. 


May Ball

A highlight of being a student at Wakefield Girls’ is our May Ball leavers event, which brings together Year 13 students and staff from across the Foundation in a celebration and warm farewell before study leave for their A-Level examinations commence. Traditions within this event are the Senior Prefect Waltz and the light-hearted Awards Ceremony.


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Parent Breakfasts

Held throughout the year, this morning tradition provides an opportunity for students and their parents /guardians to spend time together reflecting upon their school experience and have informal conversations with staff at Wakefield Girls’. 

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Celebrations & Prize Giving

Ceremonies are held every September to celebrate success in every year.  This culminates in a Prize giving Ceremony where awards are presented to the departing Year 13 class as they are welcomed into the Wakefield Girls’ Alumnae community and the next stage of their relationship with Wakefield Girls’.

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