School News

Head Girl Shares Top Tips For Sixth Form

31st October 2022

Hooriya, our Head Girl and Year 13 student,  shares her top tips on how to get the very best out of your first year studying for A Levels:

  1. Make lists: whether you are a spreadsheet geek or prefer a pretty planner, you will need one to stay on top of everything.
  2. Don’t panic if your friends have different subjects or free periods to you as you will make new friends and your friendship circle will widen.
  3. Trust the EPQ process. The teachers are right when they tell you to start early, otherwise you will be writing it whilst revising for your end of year exams!
  4. Make the most of any leadership opportunities and responsibilities early on, as these will be really useful for future job or study applications.
  5. Get a job! A part time job or volunteering role is a great way to switch off from your studies and learn new skills.
  6. Visit University open days even if you think you know what and where to study. So many of us change our minds and there may be courses and places you haven’t considered.
  7. Whether it is studies, your health or any other issue – ask for help
  8. Although Year 13 resting faces might appear serious or pouty(!), they are friendly, approachable and will happily answer any questions or point you in the right direction.
  9. Don’t treat your classmates as ‘the competition’. You are all just trying to get through a really busy and fun year.
  10. Be you!

Discover more about life and learning in our Sixth Form here.

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