
Artist Sally Gilford Delivers Screen Printing Workshop

5th February 2024

Inspiration comes from meeting inspiring people, which is why we were thrilled to be joined by artist Sally Gilford on Thursday 1st February, as she delivered a workshop for our GCSE and A-Level textiles students – focusing on screen printing. 

Sally’s bold and playful work is displayed in galleries across the country, including: Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Castlefield Gallery, Salford Museum & Gallery, The Lowry in Salford, and Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool. In particular, she specialises in the process of photo screen printing. We recently admired some of her pieces during a visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park, hence students were extremely excited to learn these techniques from her first-hand! All of the work they created and the new skills mastered will help to develop and enrich their examined portfolios. 

As the school day drew to a close, we were delighted to welcome parents to join a ‘Parent-Daughter Screen-printing Workshop’. Parents and students were welcomed into the textiles studio to get their hands messy and experiment with beautiful oil-paints, nibble on snacks and refreshments, all whilst socialising and getting to spend quality time with family and friends from the Foundation. 

We really enjoy hosting these Parent-daughter workshops, and are very grateful to Sally for spending the afternoon with us at Wakefield Girls’. 

Mrs E Critch 

Head of Textiles

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