In March 2023 we launched our first ever Wakefield Girls’ House Science Fair, where all members of Year 7 organised and carried out scientific research projects and then presented them to our school community at the Science Fair. Last year’s event was an overwhelming success, and so there was no question that this event would return for the academic year 2023-24.
This year our House Science Fair is being held during our Key Stage 3 Experience Week, where all our Year 7-9 students are out of timetabled lessons for the whole week; instead having innovative learning experiences outside of the classroom.
Students were given 2 broad options – they could either carry out a scientific investigation – seeking to discover answers to questions about which they were curious, or they could create an art in science exhibit – demonstrating their understanding of a scientific concept by creating a poster, a model or something else. All their hard work over the last few months was demonstrated in a fair that filled the Jubilee Hall. Students each had their own stall at the fair and showcased their projects to an invited audience of visitors.
We were inspired by the massive array of topics chosen. We had a rat dissection (made from a clay model), exploring how colour influences taste, an investigation into how bacteria affects the human body, an investigation into whether telepathy is real, a study into which brand of bubble gum makes the biggest bubbles, plus many many more.
The hall was full of parents, grandparents, fellow students and junior school students and the atmosphere was absolutely fantastic. Thank you to everyone who joined us in Jubilee Hall today to celebrate our budding scientists, we continue to be blown away by your curiosity and creativity.
Mr D Hannard
Head of Physics