
Reigning Champions at Rothwell Music Festival!

19th March 2024

We were so proud of both our Under 11 and our Year 7 and 8 Choir as they competed in the annual Rothwell Music Festival on Friday 15th March. The festival is an annual competitive event which provides a platform for amateurs of all ages and abilities to perform music in a competitive but friendly atmosphere. Competitors are judged by professional adjudicators.

Both choirs performed with real poise and polish, receiving some fabulous comments and useful pointers for improvement in the future. Both choirs were against stiff competition from Ackworth School Choirs, but returned triumphant with both choirs winning their class! 

Our Under 11 Choir gave a highly energetic performance of Life is Good followed by the contrasting lyrical and beautiful Believe by Lin Marsh. Our Year 7 and 8 Choir started off with the rhythmic Love is our Guide, with some great part singing and finished with an atmospheric rendition of Skyfall. It was a fabulous afternoon – well done girls we are so proud of you.

Mrs R White 

Junior Assistant Director of Music

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