Junior News

Year 4 – Learning and Lasting Memories

18th March 2024

Our Year 4 students have had a fantastic residential trip to Malham, in the Yorkshire Dales from Thursday 14th-Friday 15th March. They showed great resilience as they walked all the way to the top of Malham Cove and out towards Gordale Scar and Janet’s Foss. Despite the inclement weather, they persevered with their walks and collaborated well within their groups. The girls were also very responsible in looking after their belongings and making sure they had everything they needed for the task ahead. 

The residential trip has also enriched the girls’ scientific and geographical learning. They were able to observe a variety of flowering and non-flowering plants in their natural habitats, explore the formation of sedimentary rock, consider the processes of erosion and deposition in rivers and navigate using 4 figure grid references on maps. The trip has been a wonderful adventure and the girls have made memories that will last forever.

Mrs V Hutchinson and Mrs S Rowbotham 

Year 4 Teachers

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