
Year 5 Recycle Day: Showcasing Students’ Sustainable Creations

22nd February 2024

Ingenious ideas and creative prowess were in abundance in Year 5 for our Recycle Day on Wednesday 21st February.

To complement our humanities topic on sustainability, the students arrived in school laden with all manner of recycled items ready to create solutions for many common everyday problems or simply just to make something useful.

Through our studies we have become increasingly aware of how much waste from everyday items is produced and the importance of reusing what we already have to protect our world. Previous lessons have seen students learning about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals developed in 2015, adopted by all UN Member States as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

A myriad of finished products were on show at the end of the day, where the students had the opportunity to explain the ‘production process’ and how it will be used. There were several desk tidies with a host of storage solutions, bags made from old, unwanted clothes and some clever creations for pets to keep them occupied. A thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all and, perhaps, we may have witnessed some budding product designers in the making!

Miss S Morris & Mr A Bray

Year 5 teachers

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