
Berlin Trip

19th February 2024

Year 10-Year 13 German students from Wakefield Girls’ and their peers at QEGS were extremely excited to embark on their trip to Berlin on Friday 9th February.

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, foreign language skills are more important than ever in fostering understanding and building connections between people from different backgrounds. Having a strong foreign language is especially valuable in the international economy. This trip to Berlin was a brilliant opportunity for our students to develop and practise their German speaking skills,  interacting with native speakers and being immersed within the rich and vibrant German culture.

Anticipation filled the air as the students arrived in Berlin and stepped foot in a city steeped in history. The vibrant atmosphere, the bustling streets, and the architectural marvels left a marked impression on the students.

On Saturday 10th February, the students visited significant museums including the Stasi Museum, DDR Museum, Tränenpalast (Palace of Tears) and in the evening a visit to the TV Tower. Knowledgeable tour guides and teachers provided historical context and engaged the students in meaningful discussions (as much as possible in German!). The students deepened their understanding of the fascinating history of Berlin and Germany when it was divided into East and West.

After a much-needed sleep and a satiating breakfast, students prepared for a busy itinerary on Sunday 11th. Students visited iconic landmarks such as the Berlin Wall Memorial, East Side Gallery, Checkpoint Charlie, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag Dome and Terrace. In the evening students enjoyed some down time bowling with friends and then a delicious evening meal at the Hofbräu Wirtshaus, Berlin.

On the final day of the trip, students had a guided tour of the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial before beginning their travels back to the UK.

We hope the students enjoyed themselves. They learnt a lot about important European history and culture, but also developed their confidence in speaking German.

Mrs E Lister

German Teacher

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