
Onatti Productions Spanish Play

24th January 2024

On Tuesday 23rd January, we welcomed Onatti Theatre Company back to Wakefield Grammar School Foundation, this time at Wakefield Girls’ to perform a comedic Spanish Play called “Reserva Duplicada”.

In Jubilee Hall, Year 9 and 10 students studying Spanish eagerly took their seats to watch the play. Prior to curtains opening, they were given a synopsis of the play and booklet of challenging Spanish vocabulary to look out for, to help them with their comprehension throughout the performance. 

A synopsis of the play: Set in a remote airbnb house, couple Carlos and Carlota are looking forward to their first weekend away together. Unfortunately an error has occurred and the airbnb is double-booked! Joining them on their weekend is Paloma – travelling alone, a few days after a break-up with her boyfriend… Events turn from bad to worse when Carlos discovers that his idyllic and relaxing holiday with his new girlfriend Carlota is being hijacked by his ex-girlfriend Paloma! 

This hilarious play had all the classic theatrical features of physical humour, misunderstandings and comedic mishaps; impressively performed by just 2 actors.

Students found the experience both educationally enriching and a fun way of consolidating their Spanish vocabulary. 

Here are some reviews from our students:

I thought the play was very fun to watch and the actors were very good at presenting themselves considering our Spanish knowledge. I enjoyed the storyline and how they included some of the students to help with the performance of it. Overall I was really entertained by the play and I would definitely like to see more in future – Cece , Year 9.

The Spanish play was entertaining, and I had fun watching it. The best part was when the gardener who didn’t speak English thought that Paloma wanted his phone number. The boys came over to watch, they also interacted with us which I thought was funny – Eva, Year 10.

Mrs C Donau-Green 

Head of MFL

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