Junior News

Year 6 Visit Wakefield Cathedral

22nd January 2024

On Monday 22nd January, Year 6 visited Wakefield Cathedral as part of their RE curriculum study on Christianity. 

The visit enabled students to explore how the Christian faith marks significant rites of passage in our lives and use the majesty of the cathedral to understand how these events are celebrated. 

The students engaged in investigative and role play activities – such as acting out a wedding ceremony and wearing various processional gowns – to understand the Christian traditions associated with birth, marriage and death. They were also thrilled to listen to Revd Canon Dr Philip Hobday, who gave students further insight into major events that happen within the Cathedral and his role in these ceremonies.

It was a most informative visit and provided the opportunity for further research and discussion on the topic back in the classroom. Thank you to Wakefield Cathedral for hosting us and delivering the educational workshop. 

Mrs K Grundy

Year 6 Teacher

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