
My experience as a Diversity and Wellbeing Senior Prefect

17th May 2023

By MATHUSA LOGESWARAN, Diversity and Wellbeing Liaison Senior Prefect

Support in school

The Head Girl Team each year has been a group of kind, hard-working and committed role models for the students within lower school. I have watched the Head Girl Team change but these qualities remained constant, when the opportunity presented itself, I too wanted to be a part of this team. To be a representative for the school. To be a role model supporting others.


Reaching out has been so rewarding

Each senior prefect has a specific role as a liaison – for example: marketing or environmental. Within each area, the senior prefects are able to provide solutions or improve upon aspects of our school life.   As the Diversity liaison, I have been involved in introducing the South Asian Committee, the Parents Diversity Committee and organising the Bollywood EDGE block.  Alongside these duties, I have worked with other senior prefects at many school events such the Christmas Carol, the Founders’ Service, Open Mornings and Welcome Evening. This role has improved my leadership skills through organising the South Asian Committee and running bi-weekly sessions at lunchtimes. The position has improved my confidence, organisation and communication skills within a group – and it has been a lot of fun doing something so worthwhile. 


Advice for younger students who aspire to be Senior Prefects

In Sixth Form, the Year 12 students are given the opportunity to apply to become a prefect. Go for it ! This role comes with a number of responsibilities within school such as lunchtime duties at Peppers or Form prefects. This is a great training ground, preparing you to take on greater leadership as a senior prefect and as a member of the Head Girl Team. 


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