School News

U15 Netball Top 4 Nationally in SiS Tournament

22nd March 2023

The combined Year 9 and 10 Sisters in Sport Cup team have been declared as a top 4 team in the country!

Through the course of the season they have beaten schools all over the region and the North of England. Last week, however, they met their match against Upton By Chester School who subsequently went on to win the whole tournament. Whilst our team was not at full strength missing two key players: Nancy Tidy (Co-Captain) and Emily Dimbylow, the 7 that took to the court gave it their all. Enthusiastically cheered on by staff and family of the players, the girls fought to the end. 

One thing is for sure, this team is going places and we are already excited about what next season will bring. 

The player of the match was awarded to Tara Glennan (Co-Captain) who showed nothing but grit and determination throughout the game and the whole season. 

Mrs R Manson

PE Teacher

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