Junior News

Year 4 Visit Wakefield Cathedral

26th May 2022

Year 4 students have been learning about the role of music in praising God, enhanced with a visited to Wakefield Cathedral.  The focus of the session was to look at the importance of music in praising God.

We talked about how important music is in Wakefield Cathedral and students looked at how music is represented in the Cathedral.  Working in pairs, they were given three photos of signs of music in the Cathedral and their challenge was to find the actual signs in the wooden carvings, stained glass windows and paintings.

They enjoyed playing some bells and Haviisha and Maddie were great conductors! Zara was very lucky as she was allowed to pull the cord of the main cathedral bell.

Another fun part of the workshop was looking at the organ and chamber piano and it was very exciting when everyone had the chance to play the Cathedral organ!

The session also explored people’s response to music through art and at the types of music that influenced artists like Kadinsky and Stuart Davis. The girls listened to pieces of church music with their eyes closed and used paint sticks to draw how the music made them feel.

Thank you to Wakefield Cathedral for hosting us.

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