School News

Leavers Celebrations

17th May 2022

Year 13 Wakefield Girls celebrated their last week of school life with moments to joyfully reflect on their experiences – a very poignant moment for some who have been with us since age 3.

The week was peppered with fun activities including a fancy dress where the girls excelled as is their usual way.  It culminated with a final and very personal assembly together with all other students followed by the opening and reading of time capsules which students write on arrival in Year 7 to their future selves.   A celebration lunch in Jubilee Hall welcomed and united Year 13 together with their teachers and members of the pastoral and senior management teams for one last time.

The girls received their school teddies and pins. We have no doubt they will accompany our new alumnae as they lead their successful future lives.

More photos on Facebook and Firefly.

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