Junior News

Junior Spring Concert

1st April 2022

The fabulous sounds of the Junior Spring Concert that took place on 31st March are still very much resounding around school.

Our Junior girls treated a capacity audience in Jubilee Hall with a musical feast.  The evening included spirited performances from our Year 2, U9, U11 and Sister Act choirs and the various instrumental ensembles that happen on a weekly basis.  Our Junior Orchestra, Boogie Bass Group, Flute Group and Suzuki Violin Group all had their moments to shine and display their skills.  Special mention must be made of the accomplished performances from the winners of our recent Inter House Young Musician of the Year Competition, Valentina and Elizabeth.

An amazing musical evening to celebrate and showcase all the hard work our junior girls have put in this term, reflecting in their performances showing confidence and polish as well as fizzling with energy and enjoyment.

A big thank you goes to everyone involved in creating the concert and so many opportunities for students to perform in such varied ensembles.

Mrs White, Teacher of Music

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