School News

Wakefield Girls’ Matters

3rd March 2021

Wakefield Girls’ Matters is a new live digital series for parents and alumnae covering topics and issues that matter most to successfully supporting and raising girls. It’s another offering to support our educational mission of preparing girls ready to succeed in life, so they may become who and what they want to be, whatever life throws at them.

Join us for Wakefield Girls’ Matters throughout the year for insights, advice and learning as we collaborate with remarkable women, all accomplished experts in their field, from around the world.

Discover and register for our Upcoming Matters:


Recordings are available on firefly for previous matters:

March 17th – ‘What Girls Need: preparing your daughter for any future she imagines’

We’re delighted to be joined by Dr Marisa Porges, a leading voice on gender, education, leadership, and national security and the author of What Girls Need: How to Raise Bold, Courageous, and Resilient Women (Viking Press, 2020). Dr Porges is currently Head of The Baldwin School, a 130-year-old all-girls school outside of Philadelphia, also renowned for academic excellence and preparing girls to be leaders and changemakers. She is an alumna of Baldwin and personally understands the power of its approach to educating girls: it provided the foundation for her own military service and work on national security and foreign affairs.

We hope you’ll join us with Dr Porges to hear how you can help your daughter succeed as an adult woman. Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to help girls thrive personally and professionally
  • The important things that will help your daughter succeed as an adult woman – whatever challenge she faces
  • Key skills your daughter can develop and how they work together to create powerful outcomes
  • Ways you can help your daughter now


March 23rd – How To help your Daughter Focus

Your daughter’s ability to self-motivate, manage her time and prepare effectively will be a crucial factor to guarantee her success. Join us to learn about the neuroscience and psychology of motivation, and to gain practical strategies to help your daughter get – and stay – motivated while studying independently.

April 15th – Girls Forge Futures 2021

A webinar for families of girls age 11+, designed to inspire and help each girl to become who and what she wants to be.

Featuring 11 remarkable Wakefield Girls’ alumnae as our female guest leaders from boardrooms and businesses, conventional and innovative, who’ll be sharing tips and advice as well as answering your questions. This event is designed to share what helps girls to become successful, helping prepare your daughter now.

Our guest leaders include: Executive Director at J.P.Morgan, Founder and Entreprenneur of Love Drinks Ltd, a Partner and Head of Family Business at Mazars, Chief Operating Officer at one of the fastest growing businesses in Europe: Trouva; Senior Product Manager at Amazon, NHS Consultant Surgeon, Barrister, Editor, Head of Global Events, a Business Manager and Legal Director.

May 19th – ‘How To Help Your Daughter Navigate Social Media’

Wakefield Girls’ Matters with Katie Alpin as we discussed How To help Your Daughter Navigate Social Media. As a mental health expert and campaigner, Katie Alpin understands both the positives and pitfalls of social media. In this webinar, Katie will share her experiences of growing up on social media, how it has shaped her career, and strategies for managing these tools to protect our mental health. The session will give parents an understanding of the benefits of social media, and ideas for managing the risks.

Katie is an alumna of Wakefield Girls’ (2008) and went on to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford, and to complete a Masters at the London School of Economics. Katie embarked on a career as an economist and worked for a Westminster think tank before transitioning to the charity sector. She was founding Head of Research and Policy at the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute, a charity set up by Martin Lewis MBE, the Money Saving Expert. After a spell as Interim CEO at Money and Mental Health, Katie is now Head of Strategic Insight at Which?, the UK’s consumer champion.

June 30th – ‘Benefitting From Self Care & Mindfulness ‘

Join us for Wakefield Girls’ Matters with therapist, Rowan Imolc,who will be speaking about The Benefits of Self Care & Mindfulness. After her early career at the British Embassy in Paris, Rowan went on to complete an MSc in Counselling Psychology from Keele University. Now a registered therapist, Rowan is dedicated to supporting students’ emotional wellbeing, resilience and self-awareness. She delivers therapy, counselling and coaching in schools, the community, and in private practice. Rowan is currently the School Counsellor for Wakefield Girls’ and has recently helped develop the Mindfulness and Meditation Program in school. Rowan will be talking about mindfulness, what it is and how it can be used to help your daughter take charge of her mental health and wellbeing.

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