Wakefield Girls Uniform

Students wear uniforms until Sixth Form. You’ll find all dress requirements below. All uniforms including PE kit can be ordered online from Stevensons.

Years 3 - 6

Junior students have a summer and winter uniform.

Full uniform details are here


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 Years 7 - 11

Senior students adapt their uniform for summer with a short sleeve, open collar blouse.

Full uniform details are here.


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Sixth Form

Students in our Sixth Form wear smart business dress.  This consists of a jacket (of any colour) along with a dress, skirt or trousers and an appropriate smart top.

On the first and last day of each half-term and formal occasions such as Founders Day, Prize Giving, the Christmas service at the Cathedral and celebratory events,  Sixth Form students are required to wear a dark tailored suit and white/cream shirt or top.

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