Wakefield Girls’ celebrates stellar GCSE results

Wakefield Girls’ High School experienced great joy this morning when their GCSE students received a set of exceptional results.

In total, over three-quarters of all GCSE entries were awarded 9 – 7 grades with one-third being awarded the highly sought after grade 9. Over 40 students have been offered academic scholarships for Wakefield Girls’ Sixth Form as a result of their stellar results and performance over the last 18 months.

I have been particularly impressed by the resilience that has been demonstrated by this cohort. We teach our students to think independently, to be positive, to be agile and to think creatively and these skills and attributes have proved to be vital over the last 18 months. We are all incredibly proud of our GCSE students who deserve their success today. These results reflect the tenacious, committed and ambitious young people we have the privilege to inspire and work with. 
Heidi-Jayne Boyes
In addition, all the staff at Wakefield Girls’ deserve huge thanks for all their efforts in ensuring that the disruption caused by Covid has not disrupted our students’ academic progress and success.

The majority of students will remain a part of our close knit Wakefield Girls’  community and we look forward to watching them embrace all the opportunities available to them in our Sixth Form. At Wakefield Girls’  our students go on to achieve remarkable things and this is because we know them and their individual strengths. This enables us to offer a tailored and personal learning experience in small classes so that we can develop talents whilst also motivating and providing challenges along the way. I can’t wait to see what these amazing young people go on to achieve and we look forward to watching them continue to grow in the Sixth Form.

A special mention goes to the following students who achieved nine or more impressive top grades 9-7 overall:  Arena Agashe, Ifrah Ahmed, Nimra Ahmeed, Maja Banas, Nasreen Bello-Inua, Charlotte Bennett, Amelie Brayshaw, Caitlin Bruce, Sophie Burrell, Isabelle Butler,Betty Chamberlain, Erin Dalziel Bates, Leah Davis, Chantel D’Costa, Manya Dhingra, Francesca Diggle, Davina-Liesel Dugboyele, Ifra Fathima, Hooriya Fida-Hussain, Ananya Ganjam, Maisy Gledhill, Adrianna Green, Brianna Greenwood, Lucy Hamblett, Grace Hillier, Katherine Jarvis, Yasmin Kumar, Mathusa Logeswaran, Frances Lonsdale, Lizzie Mackenzie, Antonia Maddan, Zara Mahmood, Mardiah Mandarwis, Charlotte McKinlay, Jessica Morrison, Fope Olusola, Sofija Opacic, Zoe Partridge, Naomi Pridham, Isabella Pye, Esther Raw, Toni Rogers, Lucinda Smith, Evie Stokoe, Hannah Sutton, Naomi Sykes, Shara Vijay Kumar, Isabel Ward, Harriet Whitehead and Xia Wuyou.

Students can choose from 29 A levels in Wakefield Girls’ world class accredited Sixth Form.

Open Days at Wakefield Girls’ High School will be held on 9 October 2021. A special Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 18th November.