Junior News

Early Inspiration for Juniors: Financial Planning Talk

29th February 2024

Grace Law, an Assistant Banking Manager at Handelsbanken, a Swedish banking company, came into Wakefield Girls’ on Wednesday 28th February to speak to our Junior students. 

Financial education is an essential component of a well-rounded education – suitably preparing our students for the ‘real world’ when they leave Wakefield Girls’. We believe in supporting this holistic education early which is why we have had several talks and events surrounding financial education, especially during our ‘Money Week’ in January. 

As a continuation from Money Week, Grace shared her knowledge about spending and saving money with our students alongside her colleague Kyle. They provided a very interactive and fun assembly where they demonstrated how money earnt could be spent and saved. A big thank you to both Grace and Kyle for joining us and making learning about financial planning so enjoyable!

Mrs K Grundy 

Year 6 Teacher

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