Design & Technology

Year 6 DT Workshop

28th February 2024

At Wakefield Girls’ on February 27th, the students in Year 6 were visited by HEPP DT to learn how to create a mediaeval stock through design. 

Our curriculum at Wakefield Girls’ places great importance on Design & Technology, and in Juniors, we have a dedicated lesson during our Creative Carousel. This subject helps to cultivate lifelong skills such as resilience, cooperative learning, imagination, and problem solving. 

Our students have also been studying mediaeval stocks and their use as a form of punishment in their Humanities classes as part of their crime and punishment topic. During the mediaeval era, stocks were used to publicly shame and display criminals. This workshop allowed our students to further develop their DT skills, including measurement, shaping, cutting, finishing, and the use of various tools such as screwdrivers, junior hacksaws, and sandpaper to create their products with care. 

The final products our Year 6 students produced were impressive! We would like to extend our gratitude to Mr. Hepp from HEPP DT for taking the time to visit Wakefield Girls’ Junior Section and conduct this informative workshop. We would also like to thank our Junior PTA FOSJH for their continuous support and generous funding, making this experience possible for our students.

Mrs K Grundy 

Year 6 Teacher

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