During our final week of Half-term, the Junior Section has been celebrating Wellbeing Week, with an array of activities going on throughout the week.
There have been class activities such as mindfulness workshops and quizzes where students learnt more about their peers, to encourage connections and new friendships. Form groups enjoyed an Autumn Nature Walk where they could appreciate the natural beauty in our local area and take time to be mindful and notice the changes occurring in the seasons.
Students have also been learning more about the Zones of Regulation in their PHSE lessons, recognising the different emotions they might feel. This includes supporting each other, not judging or dismissing their feelings, but rather observing it and then developing strategies to help them move into the “green” zone! We have also been encouraging our students to read and discuss books which focus on Wellbeing, and recommend books they have enjoyed to their peers. A brilliant selection of books to support your child’s wellbeing, specifically targeted at students in Key Stage 2, are listed here.
The whole of the Junior Section joined together on Wednesday as they made a class “We are amazing!” gingerbread paper chain – in which all individual parts were connected together and students decorated the banner with positive statements about themselves, encouraging confidence and self-esteem.
On Thursday, students will be participating in two exciting competitions – the Inter House Quiz and the Conker Competition, the latter of which will be held in the Senior Section. The competitions will enable students to have fun and challenge themselves alongside peers from their House and also Senior students.
To round off the week, on Friday it is a non-uniform day. We may be enjoying Yoga classes and Just Dance sessions to get us active and get our bodies moving – which we know is important for our mind and bodies. There will also be a special gingerbread treat for students to enjoy during breaktime!
Mrs V Hutchinson
Junior Section Wellbeing Officer