
Charities Leaders Step Into Action

26th September 2023

On Monday 25th September, our charity leaders from Years 7-13 all joined together for their first meeting of the academic year. On the agenda was planning charity events throughout the year, including much loved and highly anticipated events such as our Christmas Charity Fayre and non-uniform days.

Service-led learning is part of school life here at Wakefield Girls’ and our charities leaders engage in service within school, but also locally, regionally and nationally.  Last academic year’s philanthropic efforts raised over £12,000 for Wakefield Girls’ chosen charities, as well as many hours of voluntary support and food and resources which were donated to local our foodbank, St. Catherine’s.

Our 2023-24 team have quickly begun working together to fine-tune the details of their first event of the year, a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 29th September. We can’t wait!

Mrs N Phillips 

Charities Lead

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