Junior News

World Book Day

2nd March 2023

To celebrate World Book Day today, Junior girls and staff got into spirit by dressing up as their favourite book characters.

Throughout the day students have been taking part in book-themed activities, kicking off with a fun quiz this morning:  ‘Who’s behind the book?’.   Teachers posed for a photo with their face hidden behind their favourite book, or a book which might give hints about their identity, then students used visual and written clues to try and guess who the mysterious reader was! 

We have been very impressed throughout the week with students who have working hard, writing their own mini books, inspired by the books they have been reading in class. Year 3 have been writing their own story with a moral, inspired by stories such as ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’. There have also been class prizes awarded for the most original costume, which has been very difficult to decide!

Mrs J Butterfield 

Year 3 Teacher, English and Science Lead

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