
Y9 & Y10 French Play

1st March 2023

Yesterday, our Year 9 & 10 students joined their peers over at QEGS in QE Hall to watch French play, La Maison Hantée, delivered by the Onatti Theatre company. 

The 45 minute long performance was delivered entirely in French, and students were given a synopsis of the play and some useful words and phrases, to ensure they could confidently follow along and enjoy the performance.

Students loved getting to see the hilarious antics of Antoine and Zoé as they hid in a spooky cabin in the woods, whilst there was an escaped prisoner on the loose!

Here is Year 9 student Rhiona’s review of the play,

‘The play is about two friends who are called Antoine and Zoé. They are exploring the woods until it starts raining. They find shelter in an old house that looks very creepy and abandoned. The house is quite eerie but just as they decide to leave, a policeman arrives. Both of the friends were quite anxious to hear what he said and he tells them to stay in the house and lock all the doors and windows. There is an escaped prisoner on the loose! They try not to freak out but as they spend more time in the house extremely strange things start to happen. They even get haunted by a ghost called Mrs Patterson! The play ends after the climax when the prisoner breaks into the house. Fortunately, he gets scared off by the ghost of Mrs Patterson.

I really enjoyed this play because it was quite easy to understand since the actors did a lot of gestures and actions which also helped me to understand the play more. They performed with a lot of expression also which helps me to apply the language that I heard to my work. I was also able to learn how to apply the vocabulary that I know to different situations and scenarios.

We really enjoyed listening to the way that the French actors pronounced different words and it taught us quite a bit. We can now use that in our French speaking. I really like how we have the opportunity to learn French from a more creative perspective instead of just reading a textbook. Overall, we thought that the play was trés interessant et assez genial.’

Mrs E Lister

Acting Head of MFL


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