School News

Congratulations 2020/21 SRSU Team

12th November 2020

On the 3rd November, following student elections, representatives for our Sotterley and Ross Students Union (SRSU) 2020/21 were announced. The SRSU is fully affiliated to the National Union of Students.

We’re thrilled to introduce the new SRSU committee. Congratulations girls:

President – Eleanor Bowen
Vice President – Sanya Khan
Treasurer – Abby Kumar
Charities – Kelly Njoku
LGBTQ+ – Georgia Parkin
Events – Amy Price
Environment and Ethics – Lucy Harding
Diversity – Fatima Shahzad
Sports and Wellbeing – Suzie Brooke

A message from incoming President Eleanor Bowen: “We are all extremely honoured to have been elected to represent the Sixth Form student body and excited for what this year will hold for us. We are looking forward to meeting as a group to discuss our plans for working together. In the next year we hope to improve school life for Sixth Form pupils and engage with our peers and each other to create a supportive and committed network in which we all can flourish. “

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