You’ll like the way we value SMILES as much as success.

Wellbeing and the development of positive relationships are two themes central to Wakefield Girls’ ethos. They’re at the heart of everything we do. We pride ourselves on having a kind, positive and inclusive community where students feel fully supported to progress both academically and socially. We want every student to feel happy, relaxed, confident, and valued in an environment that enables them to truly be themselves.

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A happy school life is our way of life.

Our awareness of the positive role wellbeing can play means that we support students not just when they’re settling in, but throughout their school lives. Our initiatives include a weekly enrichment afternoon, Wellbeing Week, wellbeing lessons and resources, mindfulness practices, a Happy Cafe and designated student and staff wellbeing ambassadors. Alongside our in-school counsellor and matron, students from Year 10 also have the opportunity to train as Peer Counsellors and support new students and those up to Year 9 with everything from settling in and homework, to friendship advice.


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A school with kindness and wellbeing at its heart.

We create a secure environment where students gain a true sense of their own worth and feel a real sense of belonging, fostered through small personal tutorials, affiliation to a house, twice weekly assemblies, PSHE lessons and dependable peer and staff support.

We also include our whole community in conversations around wellbeing, including our Wakefield Girls’ Matters programme in which we host half-termly webinars and events for parents, plus the regular addition of specialist external speakers.

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