Guys and Dolls offers a vibrant and witty exploration of love, chance, and redemption set against the bustling backdrop of 1950s New York City. The story follows the unlikely romances of high-rolling gambler Sky Masterson and straight-laced missionary Sarah Brown, as well as the long-suffering showgirl Adelaide and her commitment-phobic fiancé, Nathan Detroit. With its colorful characters and iconic songs like “Luck Be a Lady” and “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat,” the musical brims with humor, heart, and unforgettable melodies.
Featuring contributions from our talented students acr
oss the Foundation, it promises to be a fabulous evening of joyful song and dance!
Tickets are available through the this link, and we encourage you to secure your seats early to ensure you don’t miss this extraordinary production.
See a sneak peak below: