Sixth Form

Year 12 Students Explore Future Prospects at University Open Days

1st July 2024

Wakefield Girls’ School is dedicated to preparing students for their future, and this June, Year 12 students are actively exploring potential university destinations through a series of open day visits.

On Monday, June 17th, Year 12 students interested in creative degrees visited Leeds Beckett University. This visit allowed them to explore the variety of creative courses on offer, helping them to understand the options available for their future studies.

Next, all Year 12 students attended Newcastle University and Northumbria University open days on 28th June. This group visit was designed to give students a comprehensive look at university life, helping them to determine if these institutions are the right fit for them. By visiting in a larger group, students gain valuable insights on what questions to ask, where to go, and how to make the most of such opportunities.

The goal is for students to feel confident enough to attend future open days with parents, friends, or even on their own, fully prepared to make informed decisions about their higher education.  Other university open days run throughout July.

Mr C Murtland 

Assistant Head of Sixth Form, UCAS Pathways Coordinator

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