
WGHS Summer Reunion 2024!

25th June 2024

On Saturday 22nd June, as the blazing sun shone brightly on the Quad, we were thrilled to welcome back nearly 60 ‘Old Girls’ and former members of staff, for our WGHS In Touch Summer Reunion 2024.

This social event is held annually, bringing together Old Girls from around the country to reunite at Wakefield Girls’ to reminisce and recollect fond memories of their time studying at the High School. Guests enjoy a tour around the school campus, discovering all the changes and updates that have been implemented since they waved goodbye to Wakefield.

Our brilliant catering team provided a delicious afternoon tea-style buffet of savoury treats and cakes, alongside bubbles and soft-drinks, to properly celebrate the special occasion. There were speeches by Head, Ms Boyes, Head Girl Ellie Tingle, and by Mrs Lesley Bland (OG, 1991).

Highlights this year included celebrating 145 years of happily empowering girls at WGHS, and a resounding rendition of the school song!

We would like to thank all our attendees for joining us on the day. It was wonderful to reconnect and hear about what our Old Girls’ have been getting up to, and we look forward to seeing them back at Wakefield Girls’ hopefully very soon.

If you are an Old Girl and would like to find out more about our events and how you can reconnect with school,  here is a link to follow. 

Miss A Cattley

Development Director

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