
Year 12 Geography Residential to Blencathra

21st March 2024

Last week we returned to FSC Blencathra in the beautiful Lake District National Park for our A-level fieldwork residential with the Year 12 Geographers. It was an eventful trip. Last year we had snow, this year we had rain and plenty of it.  The purpose of the trip was for the students to develop skills and gain practical experience in data collection and analysis and the varied landscape and land use in the Lake District did not disappoint. 

The students were wonderful to be with and were very positive in spite of the atrocious and typical Lake District weather, even finding great success and a degree of enjoyment in persuading damp tourists to help with questionnaires in Keswick. 

Unfortunately we were not able to get up to Easedale Tarn this year as the paths were like rivers so we made the most of what we had and managed a few photo opportunities with the new department flag. 

We did manage to measure trees, soil depth, infiltration rates, environmental quality and other such exciting things during our time away – and we got up close to a roche moutonnee. Who says you can’t have fun on a field trip? 

Mr R Tribe

Head of Geography

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