
Celebrating Science at WGHS

14th March 2024

At Wakefield Girls we are passionate about empowering young women in STEM  – encouraging students to ask questions and to identify those areas of personal interest that will launch them into a lifelong appreciation for science, technology, engineering and maths.

We provide a variety of super-curricular clubs, workshops and activities to foster our students’ interest and passion for science. Our scientists are delving hands-on into the prestigious Silver CREST Award which presents lots of exciting opportunities for students during their timetabled EDGE Programme on a Thursday afternoon.

Run by the British Science Association, the possibilities are limitless with CREST Awards. Students have the freedom to choose their own project, delve into a topic they are passionate about, and take control of their own learning. With the support of either an academic or industry mentor, they can turn their ideas into reality and really make a difference in the world of science. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and amazed by what these young minds can achieve!

CREST Silver and Gold Awards are highly sought after, and enhance our students UCAS personal statements and CVs. CREST helps young people become independent and reflective learners through enquiry-based project work.

So far, our CREST Award participants include Year 11 students who are researching the  impact of the configuration of clay models upon its stability and durability; Year 10 students Olivia P and Rhiona L are investigating different surfaces across Wakefield Grammar School Foundation to discover specifically which school surfaces are the dirtiest!

Our Lego Robots League EDGE students are working on an innovation project to support their interest in Design & Technology and Engineering industries. 

Their project is to find and design a new and innovative way to source renewable energy. One group is focussing on hydroelectric energy due to the fact there are very high amounts of rainfall in the UK. They have developed a peloton turbine to connect to drain pipes, and created their own prototype using 3D CAD software. During the design process, they looked at different motors they could use by testing how much voltage it would generate. After designing, they began to assemble and test their prototype. Testing was successful and they were able to produce electricity on a small scale which lit up a bulb. The students reflected that to develop their invention on a larger scale, they would need to use a jackery power supply bank which would store the electricity so it can be distributed and used when necessary.

Our Young Engineers EDGE group are also committed to a different engineering challenge every week, using their creativity and teamwork to solve a problem. The only materials supplied are from a ‘trolley of trash’, everyday leftover products. So far, our Young Engineers have amazed us with their solutions to build a Rubber Band Car, create a parachute drop that safely dropped an egg to earth, and build a keyhole surgery simulator. Watch out world, our future engineers are full of potential and ready to take on any challenge that comes their way!

Fostering a love for science starts early; we are thoroughly excited for our Year 7 House Science Fair in the Summer term, Wednesday 26th June, where students will be presenting their Science investigation and Art in Science projects.  Last year we were so impressed with our student’s wide-ranging topic interests, so we can’t wait to see what they come up with this year. 

Dr S Duerden-Brown 

Associate Assistant Head: Professional Excellence and Head of Chemistry


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