
Maths Code Breaking Competition

12th March 2024

Over the past 6 weeks 59 students from Years 7-11 participated in the Alan Turing Cryptography Competition organised by the The Department for Mathematics at the University of Manchester. 

This competition was a brilliant opportunity for students to delve into the fascinating world of cryptography. Named after Alan Turing, a renowned code-breaker, mathematician, and pioneer of computer science, he left an indelible mark on the fields of computing, computer science, artificial intelligence, developmental biology, and the mathematical theory of computability.

Cryptographical techniques are used everywhere in our modern everyday lives.  For example, Whatsapp and many similar programmes employ encryption to safeguard against eavesdropping, many websites use encryption to secure credit card transactions, and banks rely on it to enable safe internet banking. 

The competition consisted of six challenging tasks that tested the students’ skills and problem-solving abilities.

Congratulations to all the participating students for their efforts.

Special recognition goes to the following individuals:

1st place – Elizabeth B in Year 7 (who got all 6 correct)

2nd place – Florrie A in Year 7

3rd place – Harriet W in Year 7

Mrs J Rees 

Head of Maths

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