School News

Year 7 Sponsored Zumba in aid of Guide Dogs UK

28th February 2024

Diversity and inclusion are essential components of a well-rounded education and a harmonious society. At Wakefield Girls’ we recognise the importance of teaching our young people about diversity and fostering a supportive environment for people with disabilities. Throughout the year we invite guest speakers from a wide array of backgrounds and experiences to talk with our students, to help develop student’s empathy and understanding and hopefully to promote a more inclusive and equitable society in the future.

A few weeks ago we had an exciting visit from Michelle Bradley and her guide dog Hope, representatives of the charity Guide Dogs UK. Michelle shared her story and experience of being visually impaired, and spoke of the important work Guide Dogs UK does to support visually impaired people by providing them with guide dogs.

Michelle’s visit had a profound impact on our Year 7 students, who were eager to show their support for Guide Dogs UK and the visually impaired community. Motivated by Michelle’s story, our Year 7 charity representatives took the initiative to organise a fundraising event for this worthy charity. They decided to run a sponsored zumba session, to get students active and dancing, all whilst raising money for a wonderful cause.

We are committed to nurturing an environment where diversity is celebrated, and where our students are empowered to make a positive impact in the world around them; we are very proud of our Year 7 students for their energy and enthusiasm during this fundraising event.

Mrs N Phillips

Head of PSHE

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