School News

MedSoc at Wakefield Girls’

9th February 2024

With 17 of last year’s Sixth Form students now studying degrees in a variety of medical and healthcare professions, our Medical Society plays an important part of school life for many aspiring doctors and health care professionals.  We are delighted to announce Jae, as this year’s President of MedSoc, who speaks with us about what MedSoc is: 

“The McCroben Medical Society (MedSoc) is a group of Year 11 – 13 students who have an interest in pursuing medicine/veterinary sciences at university. Anyone from Year 11 and above who are interested in learning more about the world of medicine is welcome to join us. We meet every other Wednesday in the lecture theatre. 

By joining Medsoc, you can learn more about what it’s like to become a doctor and some aspects of what university life is like. During meetings we have various discussions regarding the application process into university, different pathways into medicine such as the newly implemented apprenticeship and international entry.

The society is a community of like-minded individuals, all with similar goals of studying medicine/veterinary sciences in the future, and hence it can be a useful motivator and support-group for anyone who is pursuing that career path. The subjects required for medicine/veterinary can be challenging, so having a group of students who also study the same subjects can be valuable as we can study together, give advice or study-tips, and be a friendly ear when one needs to talk. 

Building on last year’s successes, including 17 students heading to university to study degrees in a variety of healthcare professions; the Medical Society is looking forward to a range of events over the next year. These include a suturing practice workshop, guest talks from practising medical professionals, peer-led presentations on interesting areas of medical research, and mock interviews.

Recently, I was elected as President of MedSoc. The application process to become president, vice-president or one of the three committee members includes producing a short video of yourself, explaining why you want to hold that leadership role. This video is then shared to all Medsoc members and anyone who is a member at time applications open is eligible to vote. 

The position of president and vice-president is open to students in Year 12-13 however Year 11s can also be involved by becoming a committee member.

I would encourage all students who are interested in a future in medicine or veterinary sciences to attend one of our MedSoc meetings – you’ll meet lots of friendly students from Sixth Form and Year 11 and hopefully gain more insight into the university application process and future options”.

Jae, Year 12 student

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