Junior News

U11 Hockey Squad Progress to Semi-Finals!

2nd February 2024

Our U11 hockey squad were extremely excited on Thursday 1st February, as they prepared to compete in the In2Hockey West Yorkshire round. 

Our first fixture was against Bradford Grammar School, where we took an early lead with a well scored goal from Rosa. We looked strong throughout the game and went on to score another three goals courtesy of Elsie, Luisa and Gracie. Great teamwork from everyone saw the game conclude with a 4-0 victory.

In our second match GSAL came out strong and scored early in the game using 3D skills which we were not expecting! This did not put us off and Maddie, Megan and Gracie demonstrated some excellent defending skills and prevented many scoring opportunities. The whole team worked tirelessly and fed the ball through to Daisy who scored an excellent 3D goal to show GSAL they weren’t the only team with 3D in their repertoire! The final score was 1-5 to GSAL.

In particular, congratulations to our Player of the tournament, Daisy M; and to Maddie M and Luisa A-C for their excellent play.

These results mean we progress to the Yorkshire round (Semi-Final) of the In2Hockey competition, which is scheduled to be played on Thursday 7th March. Good luck students!

Miss H Boughton

Junior Section Head of PE

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