
Year 5 Visit a Sikh Gurdwara

31st January 2024

On Wednesday 31st January Year 5 enjoyed an informative and enjoyable visit to a Sikh Gurdwara to enrich their learning of the Sikh faith in R.E. 

This was a great opportunity for the students to experience the importance a Gurdwara holds in the lives of the Sikh community and to learn about the symbolism associated with certain objects and traditions. 

The students sat in the prayer hall and listened to readings from the Guru Granth Sahib – the Sikh holy book and they were taught how to put on a turban. We were then treated to Langar, a communal meal prepared in the kitchen of the Gurdwara which we all agreed was incredibly tasty.

Thank you to everyone at Gnnj Gurduwara in Leeds for welcoming us so warmly and helping us to learn more about the Sikh religion. Also a big thank you to our Junior Section PTA FOSJH for making this trip possible!

Miss S Morris

Humanities Lead

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