Design & Technology

Hepworth Lecture with Ruby Zoccolan

22nd November 2023

On Wednesday 22nd November, we welcomed alumna Ruby Zoccolan back to Wakefield Girls’ to deliver a Hepworth Lecture to our Sixth Form students.

Ruby studied Interior Design at Northumbria University 2012-2015, before relocating to London after graduating and working for a company designing furniture along with residential spaces. Subsequently she progressed to retail and commercial work over the following years. After moving out of London in 2021, Ruby continued with various projects working freelance alongside being a commercial and residential landlord. 

During the lecture, Ruby talked about the application process for a design course at university and how broad and exciting the industry is, as well as a little background on herself and her career path to date. 

She showcased a variety of her work to offer inspiration to students of the varied the design industry can be. Ruby also offered students interested in applying for a design course help with their portfolios and discussed their questions and queries.

We are extremely grateful to Ruby for joining us back in school and sharing advice and tips with our students about the exciting world of interior design.

Mr D J Eggleston, Deputy Head: Teaching and Learning

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