
Year 11 Geography Trip to York

3rd October 2023

On Friday 29th September, Year 11 Geographers were in York for the day to learn about York’s flood defences and to practise fieldwork techniques for their GCSE Paper 3. 

We were blessed with sunshine and had a thoroughly enjoyable and constructive day, walking along the banks of the River Ouse from St Peter’s in the North to St George’s Field in the South. 

Students were treated to a variety of protection measures – embankments and open grassland, individual flood walls for houses, flood gates and the impressive Foss Barrier which has recently been upgraded at huge expense to cope with the likelihood of floods of increasing severity over the coming years. 

It was a great way to end the week and students and staff saw parts of York where they would not normally go – and learned a little of just some of the many schemes that help to protect this historic city.

Mr Tribe, Head of Geography and Mr Ryding, Geography teacher

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