
Year 4 Experience Life as Ancient Greeks

24th May 2023

On Tuesday 23rd, Year 4 students embarked on a journey back in time to ancient Greece, immersing themselves in the rich history and vibrant culture of this fascinating civilization. Throughout the day, they participated in a variety of engaging activities that brought the world of ancient Greece to life.

One of the first activities that students participated in was making Olympic wreaths. In ancient Greece, these wreaths were awarded to the victors of the Olympic Games and were typically made from olive branches. The students began by plaiting three pieces of string together to create a rope headband. They then collected leaves from the playground and wove them into their headbands, crafting their very own Olympic wreaths.

The olive wreath, known as a kotinos, held great significance in ancient Greek culture. Olive trees were believed to be sacred, and the wreath represents victory, honour, and peace. By crafting their own wreaths, students were able to connect with the importance of the symbol and the values it represented in ancient Greece.

Students then proceeded to investigate the differences between the ancient Greek Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games. They examined the various events that were part of the ancient games, such as chariot racing, wrestling, and the long jump. They also discussed how the ancient Greek games were focused on individual achievements, whereas the modern games incorporate both individual and team events.

Year 4 analysed ancient Greek vases and created a Greek vase jigsaw picture – acknowledging how much of the detail and information we have of ancient Greek life is because of the designs on these artefacts. They then designed their own Greek vase, drawing upon the themes and motifs they had observed in the original artefacts, incorporating elements such as mythological figures, geometric patterns, and scenes of daily life.

The following day, students competed in a Wakefield Girls’ version of the Olympic Games, competing in 6 sports: a relay race, hammer throw, javelin, standing broad stretch, shot put and discus. 

Greek Theme Day was, as always, an enriching and educational experience for all involved. Studying ancient Greece provides students with an understanding of the enduring impact this civilization has had on the modern world. From the foundations of democracy and philosophy to the origins of the Olympic Games, the legacy of ancient Greece continues to influence and inspire us today.

Mrs V Hutchinson

Year 4 Teacher

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