School News

Year 13’s Final Day at Wakefield Girls’

15th May 2023

On Friday, 12th May, Year 13 students at Wakefield Girls’ High School arrived for their final day in formal education. This marked a significant milestone in their lives, as they celebrated their achievements and memories at Wakefield Girls’. In the morning, the whole school came together in Jubilee Hall to listen to the Year 13 cohort as they presented their final assembly. In their assembly, they shared words of wisdom and lessons they had learned throughout their years at the high school. They then held a prize-giving ceremony for their teachers, to express their gratitude and thank them for their guidance and support throughout their educational journey. Some of the light-hearted awards included the ‘biggest caffeine drinker’, ‘most likely to be mistaken for a student’, and ‘best May Ball dancer’. 

The students extended their thanks to their Heads of Sixth Form, Dr Rhodes and Mr Murtland, who worked very closely with them over the past two years while they were studying for their A-Levels. Their personal guidance and support were instrumental in helping the students achieve their academic goals and prepare them for the next stage in their lives.

Later in the morning, students congregated in the Lecture Theatre to reminisce on fond school memories, looking at a slideshow of photographs displaying their school careers.  All students were welcomed into the Old Girls’ Association, known as WGHS In Touch, a group of over 5,000 former Wakefield Girls’ students. The Association keeps in touch through social media groups, social events and offers work experience roles, mentoring, and alumnae often return to school to provide lectures and workshops. 

As the newest members of this prestigious network,  our outgoing Year 13 students can look forward to staying connected with their fellow Wakefield Girls’ alumnae and benefitting from the support and resources available to them. To commemorate their entry into the Association,  the Class of 2023 were given their Old Girls’ pins.

Another highly-anticipated tradition for the Year 13 Leavers is the opportunity to read their time capsule letters. These are letters that they wrote to themselves upon entry to Year 7, in September 2016. Head of Year 7, Mrs Rees, joined the students to reminisce and share in the excitement and amusement of reading their younger selves’ thoughts and aspirations.

It was our pleasure to host a delicious Leavers Lunch for Year 13. They were then given the task of writing a letter for their future selves in five years time – discussing how they feel about leaving school and outlining their goals and ambitions for the next few years. These letters will be carefully stored by the Old Girls’ Association and presented to the students in five years’ time at a reunion, allowing them to reflect on their growth and accomplishments since leaving Wakefield Girls’ High School.

As our Year 13 students bid farewell to their formal education, they leave behind a legacy of success, friendship, and personal growth. The various events and activities on their final day served not only as a celebration of their achievements but also as a testament to the bonds and connections they have formed over the years. As they embark on their next chapter, they can take pride in knowing that they have made a lasting impact on Wakefield Girls’.  We wish them the very best with all their A-level examinations and future endeavours, and look forward to welcoming them back to Wakefield Girls’ as alumnae, hopefully very soon.

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