Junior News

Year 4 Science Trip to Fairburn Ings

12th May 2023

On Friday 12th May, Year 4 visited Fairburn Ings RSPB Reserve in West Yorkshire, to further deepen their knowledge surrounding living things and their habitats. 

The students’ first task was to complete a mini-beast hunt in the woodland. They had to carefully search for different insects, to record their findings and note any interesting features about the insects and their environment. The students also used data-logging equipment to identify moisture, sunlight and temperature changes within different habitats. The highlight of the day was finding toads and newts hiding amongst the undergrowth! 

After lunch, students used sweeping nets to compare and contrast different insects in the meadow. They also used classification keys and food chains to recognise how living things are connected. Finally, we visited the bird hide, where using binoculars, students identified a variety of different birds, including seeing a spoonbill, which are very rare in the UK. Overall, the day was extremely exciting and inquisitive, which saw the students step out of their comfort zone to take risks and explore nature alongside their peers.

Mrs K Grundy 

Year 4 Teacher

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