
Students Rank In Top 0.1% of Maths Students Nationally

30th March 2023

We are incredibly proud of our Year 9, 10 and 11 students who recently took part in the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge from the UK Mathematical Trust.

This year over 200,000 Year 9 and Year 10 students nationally entered this Mathematical Challenge competition.  Students achieving a very high score in the Challenge were invited to Kangaroo follow-on rounds.  Less than 1% of the original 200,000 students were invited to take part.

In the Kangaroo round only the top-scoring 25% entries achieve a Certificate of Merit. We are delighted to announce that Year 9 student Sharon Li and Year 10 student Eleanor Wray both gained prestigious Certificates of Merit, placing them within the top 0.1% maths students in the country.

A very big congratulations to both students.

Mr Cunningham

Mathematics Teacher & Key Stage Maths Co-ordinator

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