
Year 3 Residential to York

27th March 2023

The girls in Year 3 are currently studying about Invaders and Settlers in their history lessons. On Thursday and Friday, the students travelled to York to immerse themselves in the rich history of the city and learn more about the Viking invasions in the North of England. 

The first day of their trip included a visit to the Dig, where they learned about artefacts telling us more about the past and had the chance to simulate an archeological dig at a Viking site.

It was an action packed day for the students as they also enjoyed a visit to the Jorvik Centre where they took a ride through a reconstruction of a Viking settlement, watched a coin being ‘struck’ and investigated some of the recently discovered treasures and jewellery on show in the museum. All this was bookended with some sunny walks along the Ouse to and from the accommodation.

After a Viking themed evening with songs, sagas and dressing up with bushy Viking beards, they all had a good night’s sleep. Everyone was up early for a full breakfast before heading to Danelaw Viking Village at Murton Park.  This was a wonderful day spent as Vikings!  Students lived in a Viking village, everyone wore clothing resembling that worn by Vikings (including the teachers!), guarded against Saxon raiders and got to work doing jobs such as bread making and pottery. The students thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience of being a Viking, however they were very tired on the bus journey home – being a Viking is not easy work!

Mr S Rowley 

Director of Junior Section

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