House News

Year 8 Science Fair

15th March 2023

British Science Week is an exciting time for students and teachers alike, as it provides a special platform to showcase the wonders of science and its many connections to our daily lives.  This year’s theme of ‘Connections’  inspired our first-ever House Science Fair, which was spearheaded by Year 8 students.  We were very impressed at how diligently students worked to carry out their scientific investigations and create their art in science projects. Throughout school there has been a real buzz and we have excitedly waited for the opportunity to see the results of all the hard work that has gone on over the last eight weeks. 

Year 8 had lots of unique and creative ideas –  and it was exciting to see our students aware and working together to take on important issues, such as:

  • How Effective is washing your hands?’
  • ‘Does the weather affect the eruption of a volcano’
  • ‘Investigating differences in neurodivergent and neurotypical brain functions’
  • ‘How different aspects affect F1’
  • ‘What is the connection between your heart and your brain physiologically?’
  • ‘How do genetics differ you from other people?’
  • ‘Crime Scene investigation’
  • ‘Model of human digestive system’

The Science Fair was held in Jubilee Hall over the course of the afternoon and attended by senior and junior students, staff,  family and friends. It was a great opportunity for the students to showcase their scientific knowledge and creativity as well as learning new skills, building confidence, and developing a love of science that will stay with them for years to come.

We are very proud of our Year 8 students – the fair was a tribute to our school values in action.  Thank you also to family and friends of the school for visiting and attending.

Special congratulations go to winners Lily Kitson, Catherine Mellor and Anna Danforth Johnstone!

Dr Duerden-Brown

Head of Chemistry

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