
Charities Committee and Houses Team Up

8th December 2022

We are very proud of the way our Charities Committee and Houses have teamed up and worked hard together this Christmas season to help as many people as we can within the local, national and international community.

We are all aware of the current rising cost of living and for some people in our local community, this means that they are unable to afford food for themselves and their families and some families are unable to buy presents for their children this Christmas.

Our Charities Committee and Houses are delighted to have collected over 300 unused and unopened Christmas gifts which will go to local charities Tiny Hands Baby Bank and Wakefield City Limits for children aged 0 – 18 years.

Thank you to everyone for your generous and kind donations.

We will report on our food donation very soon – watch this space.

As a thank you students are invited to come into school on Friday 9th December wearing non-uniform.

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