Junior News

Anti-Bullying Week – Best Feet forward

17th November 2022

Wakefield Girls put their best feet forward in support of Anti Bullying Week, taking part in Odd Socks Day to show how we are all different and that’s what makes us special and unique.  This serious message is at the core of the Anti-Bullying Alliance charity who run the awareness week from 14 – 18 November.

Here in school we recognise Anti-Bullying Week and its important message. We regularly re-affirm our own anti-bullying message and through our assemblies and PSHE learning this and next term, we will be teaching all students about the issues involved with bullying and how we can prevent or resolve it.

Our values – empowered, aware, together – running through school are a foundation for everyone in our community to make a difference.  In practice, we encourage students to speak up for what they believe in,  bringing positivity and proactivity to everything they do and to support each other, building real and lasting connections.  We develop a strong sense of social responsibility by fostering understanding and supporting the diverse world we live in.



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