
Houses – Awareness & Community Work

10th November 2022

Our four Houses were excited today to welcome the charities they support into school. As part of a special assembly, Heads of our four Houses: Clayton, Blakey, Lee and Mackie prepared a warm welcome to Darjeeling Children’s Trust, Yorkshire Guide Dogs, MacMillan Cancer Support and Community Awareness Programme.

It was a very informative and beneficial visit for our students to develop their intellectual understanding of the issues each charity works to address in readiness for their planning and running of fundraising events. Paired with charitable giving, this awareness and community work enables students to ultimately become agents of change in the communities they lead.

Our four Houses and the charities they support:

  • Clayton: Darjeeling Children’s Trust

  • Blakey: Yorkshire Guide Dogs

  • Lee: MacMillan Cancer Support

  • Mackie: CAP (Community Awareness Programme)


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