School News

A Level Success: Class of 2022

18th August 2022

Wakefield Girls’ High School celebrates the amazing A Level success of the Class of 2022!

Our students have once again achieved outstanding A Level results and are going onto an array of exciting and diverse destinations and courses. This is greatly deserved after displaying consistent and remarkable determination throughout the past two academic years, adapting to changing guidelines, in moving between in-person and online teaching, and preparing for the full examinations of this year. This was their first experience of public examinations as a result of the pandemic.

The courses on which they have been accepted cover Humanities, STEM, Creative Arts, Languages, professional studies such as Law, Teaching and Nursing, covering all four corners of the country from St Andrews to Exeter and Lancaster to East Anglia. 

Head, Heidi-Jayne Boyes, is absolutely delighted for all her students and staff. The students were praised for their positive and proactive approach to everything they do. She went on to thank them for their support of each other, commenting especially upon the strong sense of community that continues to flourish. The teachers and support staff were commended for their agility, creativity, dedication and perseverance in preparing and supporting students, both academically and pastorally. 

The 2022 cohort has achieved highly. 82%  of grades were awarded at A*-B, 59% at A*/A grades with 9 students gaining 3 or more A* grades, and an amazing 34% achieving 3 or more A grades or above.  Most importantly, they leave Wakefield Girls’ High School with awareness, understanding and a strong sense of social responsibility, extremely well equipped and ready for their future choices. 




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